Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Posted Posted by gamingcontroversies Comments 1 comment

Nintendo is one of the most popular companies in the entire world. They have created incredible franchises like The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, the Mario series, and they even own the highly-popular world of Pokémon! However, there is something about the Wii U that does not appeal to many people, but what is it? Could it be its price? Could it be its hardware power? Could it be that gamers are getting older? Or could it be something else?
Following is a list of reasons explaining why Nintendo is not doing so well in this new generation of gaming consoles.

The console’s name and design
Yes, its name, “Wii U”. Believe it or not, there are thousands of people, especially parents, who still don't know that the Wii U is a brand new, and totally different, gaming console. Many of these people sadly confuse the Nintendo Wii U with the Wii console. Just think of the thousands of potential sales that Nintendo is losing just because of this console naming problem.

Weaker hardware than the competition
There is the fact that many people consider the Wii U to be a worse option to its competition due to its weaker hardware. Although the Wii U has no better graphics than an Xbox One or a PS4, this does not mean that the Wii U will have bad games. Nonetheless, the idea of the competition having better graphics will make many consumers avoid buying a Wii U. The graphics improvement that the competition consoles have will make many people decide between a PS4 or Xbox One instead.

Losing online game purchases
As you may already know, Nintendo digital game purchases are attached to the system itself. Even though many people wish that their purchases were attached to their ID account instead, Nintendo seems to be doing nothing about the issue at the moment. 
The idea of buying a digital game and losing it if your console stops working is silly to many gamers. Yes, you might recover your purchases if you contact Nintendo, but there could be other problems people might encounter, like selling their Wii U, or getting their console stolen (hopefully this doesn't happen to anybody). We can only hope for Nintendo to bring us a good solution to this digital issue in the future.

     Do you have any other reasons to add? How do you feel that Ninty is not selling so well? Comment below!

1 comment:

  1. The wii u is bad because of these things, but that doesn't preclude its other faults. You have to think that from the wii to the wii u there's only been a control upgrade with no large noticeable differences in performance. The gimmick of motion control flew its course and those that have owned a wii tend to let it collect dust. Also the big titles that make nintendo notable and justify purchasing a wii u just aren't out in storm yet. Much like with the other new gen consoles. Nice article feel free to read mine at
